Webinars in 2024
All webinars will be recorded, and participants will receive a link to the recording for one month and a PDF of the presentation.

Webinars for teachers

Seasonal Gardening in ECE - Spring     Register Now
Tuesday 20th August 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Cost: $60 incl GST

Gardening helps to connect tamariki to the natural world and Spring is the ideal time to capture their interest as trees and flowers come back to life after Winter. Spring is the busiest season of the gardening year as it is a time of new growth.  In this webinar we will discuss how maramataka can be used to guide gardening practices through Spring. We will look at how gardening can help foster kaitiakitanga in tamariki though their involvement in the Spring activities of soil preparation, what to sow and plant in Spring, and caring for plants so you can grow healthy thriving kai in your centres.

Seasonal Gardening in ECE - Summer     Register Now
Tuesday 19th November 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Cost: $60 incl GST

Summer is a time of enjoying the produce from your garden, and a great way to connect children with nature and teach them how to care for Papatūānuku.  In this webinar we discuss planting and care over a long hot Summer to keep the garden thriving during a time when pests can be prevalent and we need to conserve water. We will look at ways to involve tamariki to care for the Summer garden including water an water conservation, mulching and general care of the soil and plants they are growing. 

 Webinars for Parents

Seasonal Gardening with Children - Spring    Register Now
Tuesday 20th August 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Cost: $60 incl GST

Join me in this webinar for parents who want to learn more about gardening with their children in Spring.
We will cover:

  • The basics of gardening with your children
  • Setting your children up with their own gardening kit
  • Preparing the soil for Spring planting
  • What you could be growing
  • Caring for your seedlings

Professional Learning for Early Childhood Centres
I offer professional development for early childhood centres specialising in gardening with young children and environmental sustainability. This professional development is tailored to your centre needs and along with gardening tips and ideas, can include worm farming, compost, and environmental sustainability. Depending on your centre's needs, this can be a one-off session or a series of sessions.
Professional development is available via zoom if you are outside of Christchurch, or in person if you are in Christchurch

Please contact me to find out more about any of these professional learning opportunities
Anita Croft 
Phone: 021 047 8844

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